Guidance: How to Get a Bitcoin Testnet Wallet and Claim Test Coins?
Jun 7, 2021


Get a bitcoin testnet wallet

1.Visit , click 【Download】and complete the installation

2.Open the software, click 【App Settings】on the lower left corner, and slide to enable testnet

3.Click 【Testnet】on the left side, and then click 【Create New Wallet】

4.Tick the box, and click 【continue】

5.Write down your recovery phrase on paper and store it somewhere safe

6.Input the word in the corresponding position to check your backup

7.Create a PIN to access your wallet

8.Verify your PIN

9.The testnet wallet has been successfully created. Click 【Receive】to check your address

Claim test coins


2.Enter your testnet wallet address, and click 【Get Bitcoins!】

3.Transaction status will be shown on the home page

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